Amplify Surgical’s Fall Spine Symposium was a huge success!
Thank you to all that were able to attend! The attendance at the symposium truly showed how many want to be a part of the growing #dualPortal endoscopic community as minimally invasive spine surgery and the spine industry evolves. The enthusiasm and excitement was palpable and fueled in-depth discussion and participation during presentations, which carried over into an extremely interactive cadaver workshop where everyone had the opportunity to see and practice the #dualPortal technique. The involvement in this event revealed the necessity of the powerful and versatile #dualPortal
Yong H. Kim, MD How I Started with dualPortal™ Endoscopic Spine Surgery
Kaku Barkoh, MD MIS TLIF
Don Young Park, MD The Marriage of dualPortal™ + dualX® TLIF: Amplify dualLIF®
Daniel Park, MD Dual Expansion Lateral
New York, NY
NYU Health
Los Angeles, CA
UCLA Health
Boston, MA
New England Baptist
Houston, TX
Associates, LLP
Southeast Michigan
William Beaumont
Daejeon, South Korea
Daejeon Woori Hospital
Seoul, South Korea
Seoul Bumin Hospital
Suwon, South Korea
Leon Wiltse Memorial